Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Financial Report 2015

Account 2015

Salary Expenses 2015858,000Contributions 1477298.75
Salary Expenses 2014340000Painting Auction-Kapil Mani Dixit57000
Loan Clear197000-Raised199000) see the link for details
Travelling 103140
Ktm Expenses 35910Run Stop Child trafficking Campaign 300000
Transportation 87795supported 800,000|- by higher ground
Dolpo Expenses148200please click link bellow for details
Other expenses76900
Miscellneous/ Adminstration30000Loan 41350
Total 1,876,945Total 1875648.75
Painting Auction-Kapil Mani Dixit
Higher Ground’s Run to Stop Child Trafficking campaign:
the Painting Auction and Run to Stop Child Trafficking campaign are being initiated for building the class rooms in Upper Dolpa. as the our most of the supports are being diverted to the massive earthquake victims we in agreement of initiators, we extracted some amount for the salary, travelling of the teachers.  

expenses derails: 

Salary Expenses 2015
Nyima Tashi130,000
Hira Budha100,000
Hira Travelling20,000
travelling for wood25,000
Bishnulal Budha90,000
Bishnu Travelling20,000
Prem Maya55,000
local volunteer teacher3000

Expenses 2014
22-DecHira Bhai Salary 201470000
8-JanHira Bhai Salary 201410000
25JanAmir Maharjan Salary 201420000
19-JanAmir Bhai Salary 201440000
29-DecBinod Salary5000
8-JanBinod Salary25000
13-FebBinod Salary70000
1-MarBinod Salary50000
20-AprBinod Salary50000

Loans  Clearance 
12/29/2014Loan Thinle cleared30000see report 2014
1/14/2015Loan mom cleared100000see report 2014
Binod's Bhena Dinesh Dai 20000
loan Binod40000Amir's Salary
moti Ram7000

12-AprHira and Dev Travelling30000
Ktm to Dolpa
Taxi to Air Port500
Nepal Gunj 3 person
Sangam Hotel Bill4770
Sangam Hotel Bill1595
Sangam Hotel Bill1095
Sangam Hotel Bill1010
BlueSheep Dunai Bill (Nisal)27460
BlueSheep Dunai Bill (Tiling)
Kapil Sharan Paid 16620
Choumin with Thinle & Kapil410
Break Fast with friends700
Lunch Byasgard500
28-JunTea Khaja300
Binod to come KTM15000
Ashmita on The Way back8000
Total 103140

Transportation 87795
25-MarPacking and Misc10000
2 Porter (4000 from Arni )30000
Tent Luggage from Jufal to Donai by Van800
14 pack Sack from Jufal to Dunai6195413kgX15
16 Sacks from Salik Dunai to BlueSheep80050X16
22-AprTransport From KTM 40000

Ktm expenses
22-DecSpeaker and Transport10000
22-DecMoney transfer charge400
1/22/2015Misc expenses (Travelling)500
Administration Expenses (37650)25000
25-FebCheque Charge10
Total 35910

Dolpo Expenses
1/22/2015Daal, Simi and Khukuri 201521500
expense from Namdo to Nisal2500
shopping Nisal1500
shooping lower Dolpa6700
GyanuSir Power Bank2000
14-JunHelloNepal Recharge Cards5000
China Shopping50000
Pyaz Lasun8000
9-MarTibetan books6000
Total 148200

Other expenses
Pema Sir IbhiMeme31000
wood permit33900
21-MayBuilding support11000
Gyanu Sir Students Data Collection1000

Monday, November 2, 2015

Supporters 2015

Dec 014 to Jan 2015

12-Dec Dep by Sujeeta Shahi 20000
12-Dec Dep by Western Aus Perth 22222
17-Dec Dep by KEC students 3150
19-Dec Dep by Raj Maharjan 50777.75
22-Dec Cash deposit by St. Xavier's College 41310
22-Dec Cash deposit by Nagarik Bhela Kalmochan 22730
22-Dec Depo by Kalmochan Prg & Deuja 700 14480
26-Dec Deposit by Surendra 15000
26-Dec Deposit By Aarya Raj@ Macha 2000
26-Dec Dep by Subash 500
29-Dec Dep by Kalmocha Bhela n Rita Aama(2000) 12520
29-Dec Dep by NASALA, Isha, Nischal 11500
4-Jan Dep By Yeshi Dolma(Yeen) 10104
4-Jan Dep By Subham Anna Prasan(Smriti+Rajendra) 8605
11-Jan Bhusan Donation to Snowyak 100000
14-Jan Dep by Sunil Pokhrel and Subas Parajuli 1500
14-Jan Dep by Pushpa Binod Rajak 4000
18-Jan Dep by Interact Club of New Road City 25000
18-Jan Dep by Shahishnuta Singh 15000
19-Jan Dep by Roshan Karmacharya 58265
19-Jan Dep by Pukar Neupane 7437
20-Jan Dep by Suraj Shrestha 5000

1-Feb Little Buddha Collage og Health Science  2000
1-Feb Dep by Narayan Koney 5000
1-Feb Dep By Rajendra Rayamajhi 500
1-Feb Dep By Reliance Int'l Academy 800
1-Feb Dep By BBA 7th Sem People's Campus 1700
1-Feb Dep By Interact Club of New Road City 2500
1-Feb Dep By Ravi Kiran Lama & Sajita Singh 5000
1-Feb Dep By Rotary Club of New Road City 5000
11-Feb Dep by Sujeeta Kain 50000
11-Feb Dep by Anjil Maskey 10005
11-Feb Dep by Anonymous AKS Adhikari 10000
24-Feb Dep By Sangat Acharya 2000
25-Feb Anonymous SJ 100000

9-Mar Dep By Sareena Shakya 10000
12-Mar Dep By Ambika 4000
16-Mar Dep By Navendra 20043
17-Mar Dep By Ncel 12210
17-Mar Dep By Ram Prasad Shahi Family 3000
17-Mar Dep By Punam Bajracharya and Ananda Raj Shakya 3000
22-Mar Dep By Khushi Bird 38900

1-Apr Dep By Sijan & Rajesh 2000
3-Apr Dep By Subash, Bikash and Friends 15000
16-Apr Dep by Sailendra Manandhar n Friends 84450
16-Apr Dep By Shova Laxmi Pandey 1000
20-Apr Dep By Interact Club of St.Xavier's School students 28500
21-Apr  Citizen Bank 100000
22-Apr Dep by Apex College 5000
23-Apr Arnishova 1000
23-Apr Anonymous AKS Adhikary 10000
30-Apr Dep by Shikhya Foundation through cheque 150000

14-May Deposit painting sell  11000

8-Jun Dep by Bhikshu Vajira Buddi 100000
14-Jun Dep by Manish Shakya(Pramish Bro) 25000
14-Jun Dep by Naresh Shakya (ref : Arni) 5000
14-Jun Dep by Shikhya Foundation through cheque 150000
17-Jun Dep by Saroj 1500

17-Aug Dr SauravShrestha & Friends  31000
17-Aug Sabita Paudel  20000

Kapil Mani Dixit Art Auction
Bidder's NamePainting No.Bidding AmountState
Rinjin Rinpoche
5 (Five)16,000Paid
18 (Eighteen)14,000Paid
6 (Six)26,000
Paid (5000 Unpaid )
James Pradhan13 (Thirteen)31,000Paid
Kishor Pradhan9 (Nine)21,000Paid
Min Ratna Bajracharya1B (One B)11,000paid
Navaraj Ghimire2 (Two)16,000
Neelu Thapa Sapkota8C (Eight C)11,000paid
Pankaj Pradhananga1A (One A)11,000paid
Ranjeet Acharya16 (Sixteen)22,000Paid
Yogendra Shakya8A , 8B20,000Remaining
Navaraj Ghimire2 (Two)16,000Remaining
Prinsipal of the school recieved from renpoche

In Kind Supports

Date  Contributor  Contribution  Remark  link 
13-Oct-15 Sailendra Manandhar Hard Disk Drive https://www.facebook.com/853976244612754/photos/a.871992989477746.1073741828.853976244612754/1094064807270562/?type=3
13-Jun-15 Naresh Shakya  a computer  https://www.facebook.com/853976244612754/photos/a.879269928750052.1073741829.853976244612754/1027737257236651/?type=3
Sabin Shrestha  Building Construction Materail collection  https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=986775434666167&id=853976244612754
Laptop discount Support   https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=989487397728304&id=853976244612754
12-Apr-15 "Sharada Library" from Imadol-2, Patan - . Sishal Raj Thapa, Amit thapa   2 Dell Laptops  https://www.facebook.com/853976244612754/photos/a.879269928750052.1073741829.853976244612754/994259347251109/?type=3
23-Apr-15 Santosh Giri & Swojina Rosemary Giri Trekking Shoes and Sleeping Bag  https://www.facebook.com/853976244612754/photos/a.879269928750052.1073741829.853976244612754/1000254919984885/?type=3
23-Apr-15 Sujeeta Shahi  Shoes & More for the Volunteers https://www.facebook.com/853976244612754/photos/a.879269928750052.1073741829.853976244612754/1000258123317898/?type=3
28-Mar-15 "NYANO SANSAR" , Thanks "Shine Cleaning" 3 Big Bags of #‎Cloths & #‎Shoes https://www.facebook.com/853976244612754/photos/a.879269928750052.1073741829.853976244612754/985029314840779/?type=3
9-Feb-15 Anjil Maskey   3 Solar Lamps  https://www.facebook.com/853976244612754/photos/a.871992989477746.1073741828.853976244612754/957551244255253/?type=3
Shreejana Shahi    1 Solar Lamps 
16-Mar-15 Suchan+Sachina and "Puppeteer Lounge" Family  Laptop  https://www.facebook.com/853976244612754/photos/a.871992989477746.1073741828.853976244612754/978690008808043/?type=3
Sabita Paudel  tent and sleeping Bag 
Ashok Khanal  tent and sleeping Bag 
20-Dec-14 Mr. Chandra Jewan Shahi  Our National Flag - Gift  https://www.facebook.com/853976244612754/photos/a.871992989477746.1073741828.853976244612754/925384544138590/?type=3
14-Sep-15 ‪#‎SpreadingSmiles‬‬ Team Pramish and Friends  "The Note Book Project"  https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1079969575346752&id=853976244612754
"Newari Calendar",  Usha Shakya & Team  promoting add https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=897850690225309&id=853976244612754
4-Nov-14 Yeow Tiger  toy & stationeries for Karang School  https://www.facebook.com/853976244612754/photos/a.871992989477746.1073741828.853976244612754/898519936825051/?type=3

 Books and Stationery Supports

15-Jan-15 Dristi and friends  Sataionery  https://www.facebook.com/853976244612754/photos/a.871992989477746.1073741828.853976244612754/944109612266083/?type=3
Rotaract club of People's Campus  school collage stationery collection https://www.facebook.com/853976244612754/photos/a.871992989477746.1073741828.853976244612754/944109612266083/?type=3
Rotaract club of New Road City   school collage stationery collection https://www.facebook.com/853976244612754/photos/a.871992989477746.1073741828.853976244612754/949175831759461/?type=3
28-Jan-15 "GenNep" Thanks "Sadbhab Shiksha" Stationey  for Karang Tilling Nisal  https://www.facebook.com/853976244612754/photos/a.871992989477746.1073741828.853976244612754/951056194904758/?type=3
2-Feb-15 Students of "KIST Medical Collage https://www.facebook.com/853976244612754/photos/a.871992989477746.1073741828.853976244612754/953544427989268/?type=3
18-Mar-15 Sujin Khadgi (6 Yrs old Son of Mr Subin and Mrs Nita Khadgi) https://www.facebook.com/853976244612754/photos/a.871992989477746.1073741828.853976244612754/979598705383840/?type=3
28-Mar-15 "Nepal Collage of Management" https://www.facebook.com/853976244612754/photos/a.879269928750052.1073741829.853976244612754/985027768174267/?type=3&theater
28-Mar-15 Sanjeev Maharjan Sunita Maharjan & Sharareh Bajracharya  https://www.facebook.com/853976244612754/photos/a.879269928750052.1073741829.853976244612754/985030414840669/?type=3
21-Feb-15 Lama Katty(Katyani Lama) https://www.facebook.com/853976244612754/photos/a.871992989477746.1073741828.853976244612754/965822473428130/?type=3
25-Feb-15 White Butterfly Man Milan Rai  https://www.facebook.com/853976244612754/photos/a.871992989477746.1073741828.853976244612754/967926283217749/?type=3
21-Dec-14 St. Xavier's College  -Aarya Manandhar, Prajwal Lal Manandhar, Raul bajracharya and Arhato Shakya https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=926836627326715&id=853976244612754 https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=926287314048313&id=853976244612754
Dhumbarahi Oil Mill Shahishnuta Singh  Sports Accessories https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=943073839036327&id=853976244612754
27-Jun-15 Dunai BlueSheep collect all the luggage and packed sacks  https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1035424893134554&id=853976244612754
28-Mar-15 packing  https://www.facebook.com/853976244612754/timeline/story?ut=43&wstart=1420099200&wend=1451635199&hash=3690020887245636592&pagefilter=3
23-Mar-15 "Academy of Sacred Hearts School" & Vice- Principle Rahul Shakya  Providing Space  https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=982119648465079&id=853976244612754
Providing Van to Transport 300kg (30 packs) School Suppliers upto Goma Air New Baneswor.
Continuous Kind Support to the Dolpa from 2008  
"Mountain Helicopters Nepal" 2 WhiteBoards & Books to Saldang Upper Dolpa https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=898471800163198&id=853976244612754 https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=833650246660411&id=100000463299522&set=a.311528732205901.99358.100000463299522&source=43