Janapriya Primary School, Chun-2 Liku VDC
School Management President : Indra Budha
Janapriya Primary School was established
in 2047 B.S . It is located at Chu in Liku VDC, ward no.3. There are altogether
seven teachers in the school among which five teachers have been appointed from
the government and one from ECD center. Mostly the teachers are B.Ed. graduates
while some of the teachers are high school graduates. The school has four
blocks in it where two rooms are used for administration and five rooms are
used classes up to class five. There are
altogether 110 students in the school with male number of students being 42 and the number of female students being 56. The school library
building is under construction. Required
materials such as books, and laptops has already given to the school. School
provide packet foods to the kid (like noodles, biscuits and bread). Before
monsoon they used to give them cooked food. This school is also being supported
by organizations like KIDRAC and PLAN.
Snow Yak has
been supporting the school through volunteers since 2016 and it has also been
providing stationery, ECA materials and multimedia materials like copies,
sports material, laptop, etc. The graduate students of this school has also
been collaborated with the organization and have been working in the school as
tutor teachers for English classes.
Principal : Gum Bahadur BudhaSchool Management President : Indra Budha
Though School has been established 2047 B.S. Due to less motivated Government Teachers
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