Shree Bhagwati Primary School was established in 2024 B.S. It is located at Tripura
Sundari municipality-7 at Chala. The school ran primary level classes until it was promoted
to lower secondary on 2073 B.S by District Education Office. The DEO has appointed four teachers (three male and one female). There are altogether seven teachers among which four are from the government, one from the villager’s support, one from the ECD support and one fellow teacher from Snow Yak Foundation. Most of the teachers are high school graduates whereas few of the teachers are B.Ed. graduates.
The school comprises of three blocks among which, two of the blocks have been newly built
whereas the remaining one block has grown out of use. The two new blocks consist of
altogether six rooms where one room has been used for office and the remaining rooms have
been used for conducting classes in which the school runs primary level classes from ECD
classes to class six. The school has no library facility for the students as well as it lacks drinking
water supply for which the water is fetched manually by the students and the staffs of the school.
However, the students are provided with meal at the school by government funded mid-day meal
With altogether of 128 students, there are 62 female students and 66 male students among which
2 of the students are physically challenged and mentally challenged. The students can be seen
very eager and curious for learning but the limitations to exposure and proper channelization of
resources creates a problem here.
Snow Yak has been supporting the school since a year. It has been sending fellow teacher in the
school to fill the gap of lacking number of teacher in the school and providing stationery
materials for the students. It has helped students who have been having low income in the family.
No of Students :127
Sundari municipality-7 at Chala. The school ran primary level classes until it was promoted
to lower secondary on 2073 B.S by District Education Office. The DEO has appointed four teachers (three male and one female). There are altogether seven teachers among which four are from the government, one from the villager’s support, one from the ECD support and one fellow teacher from Snow Yak Foundation. Most of the teachers are high school graduates whereas few of the teachers are B.Ed. graduates.
The school comprises of three blocks among which, two of the blocks have been newly built
whereas the remaining one block has grown out of use. The two new blocks consist of
altogether six rooms where one room has been used for office and the remaining rooms have
been used for conducting classes in which the school runs primary level classes from ECD
classes to class six. The school has no library facility for the students as well as it lacks drinking
water supply for which the water is fetched manually by the students and the staffs of the school.
However, the students are provided with meal at the school by government funded mid-day meal
With altogether of 128 students, there are 62 female students and 66 male students among which
2 of the students are physically challenged and mentally challenged. The students can be seen
very eager and curious for learning but the limitations to exposure and proper channelization of
resources creates a problem here.
Snow Yak has been supporting the school since a year. It has been sending fellow teacher in the
school to fill the gap of lacking number of teacher in the school and providing stationery
materials for the students. It has helped students who have been having low income in the family.
Bhagawati Primary School, Chhala-1 Pahara VDC Dolpa
Principal: Bhim Rokaya
School Management President: JanaChandra Rokaya
Principal: Bhim Rokaya
School Management President: JanaChandra Rokaya
Appointed Fellows :
1 Purnima Buda
1 Purnima Buda
2 Krishna Magar
हिमाली क्षेत्रमा समुदायमा ब्याप्त रुढिवादी परम्परा, चेतना कप कमि ले र साथी शिक्षकहरुको अनियमितताले गर्दा शैक्षिक अवस्था एकदम नाजुक छ | त्यसैले कति अभिबाबकहरुले हरुले आफ्ना बालबच्चाहरुलाई राम्रो गुणस्तरीय शिक्षाका लागि आफ्नो गाउँ घर भन्दा धेरै पर नेपालगंज, शुर्खेत, पोखरा काठमाण्डौ पठाउन बाध्य छन् | यस्तै अवस्थालाइ मध्यनजर गर्दै स्थानीय प्रधानाध्यापक भिम रोकाया को पहलमा स्थानीय केहि युवा हरुले आफैले गाउँमै गुणस्तरीय शिक्षा प्रदान गर्न प्रयास गर्दै हुनुहुन्थियो | र SnowYak का स्थानीय सम्योजक मनलाल बुढा को सल्लाह संयोजकत्वमा बिद्ध्यालय बाट आएको अनुरोध अनुरुप SnowYak Foundation बाट 2017 देखि उहाहरुको यो महान प्रयास लाई साथ दिन Fellow Teachers र शैक्षिक सामग्री सहयोग गरिदै आएको छ |
No of Students :127
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